Friday, September 19, 2014

Squat Nation

10 September 2014

Before coming to Indonesia, I received a significant amount of information from past ETAs (English Teaching Assistants) on what to expect for the year. Because I likely would need to be home by dark each night, they suggested I find some hobbies that I might not have had time for were I not confined to a house each evening.

I was not sure that I had any hobbies. In fact, it was likely that I did not.

So, like any sane person, I searched the term, "hobbies," on the internet in the hopes of developing some ideas.

I printed out the Wikipedia page on hobbies, as it has a fairly large list of possibilities. I went through the list, one by one, imagining myself as a pursuer of each hobby. Not much time passed before I realized that I had rejected everything on the list. How was I to go to Indonesia without any hobbies when past participants in the program clearly suggested that I bring my hobbies?

Alas, I had no choice, and I did just that.

Soon, I discover a hobby that Wikipedia did not include in their list at all, though it is frequently done in Indonesia: squatting.

Here is a picture of a student squatting:

Here is a picture of members of my cohort doing it:

Finally, here is a picture of me, happily pursuing my new hobby, and content in knowing that I am no longer a hobby-less individual:

As a side note, I am not very good at squatting. It is a very difficult skill that will take some practice, but in time I will improve.

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